1-Phase Circuits3-Phase AC CircuitsComparisonsPower SystemTransformer

Advantages of a Three Phase Transformer over a Single Phase Transformer

Advantages and Disadvantages of a 3-Φ Transformer Over a 1-Φ Transformer

Advantages of a Three Phase Transformer over a Single Phase Transformer


Advantages of Three Phase Transformer over a Single Phase Transformer

Following are the advantages of a 3-Φ transformer over a 1-Φ transformer.

  • Less costly
  • Lesser weight
  • Less in size
  • Less time required to assembling
  • Require less space
  • Deliver more power
  • Higher efficiency
  • Easier to install
  • Easy transportation and installation
  • Easy to repair
  • Easy assembling
  • The cost of a three phase transformer is lesser than the three single phase transformers having the same rating.
  • Finally, it is easy to obtain a single phase power supply from a three phase supply, while it is not possible to get a three phase power supply from a single phase power supply. Same is the case for single phase and three phase transformers.

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Disadvantages of 3-Phase Transformer over a 1-Phase Transformer

Following are the disadvantages of a 3-Φ transformer over a 1-Φ transformer.

  • Higher cost of standby units.
  • More costly and repairing inconveniences.
  • In case of fault or failure of a three phase transformer, the power supply shutdowns in the whole connected load areas. Hence, the definite and  immediate power restoration is not possible.
  • A three phase transformer can’t be operated temporarily in open delta connection, while it is possible in three single phase units transformer (in case of fault at single unit).
  • The whole unit needed to be replaced in case of failure, while in case of single phase transformers, only the fault ones should be replaced with a new one.
  • In case of failure of one single phase transformer (where three single phase transformers are used instead of a single three phase transformer), the remaining two single phase transformers still supply the power to the load points, while it is not possible in case of failure of a three phase transformer.

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