Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Law (KCL & KVL) | Solved Example

KCL & KVL – Kirchhoff’s First & Second Laws with Solved Example

A German Physicist “Robert Kirchhoff” introduced two important electrical laws in 1847 by which, we can easily find the equivalent resistance of a complex network and flowing currents in different conductors. Both AC and DC circuits can be solved and simplified by using these simple laws which are known as Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL).

Also note that KCL is derived from the charge continuity equation in electromagnetism while KVL is derived from Maxwell – Faraday equation for static magnetic field (the derivative of B with respect to time is 0).

Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):

According to KCL:

At any moment, the algebraic sum of flowing currents through a point (or junction) in a network is Zero (0) or in any electrical network, the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a point (or junction) is Zero (0). This law is also known as Point Law or Current law.

In any electrical network, the algebraic sum of incoming currents to a point and outgoing currents from that point is Zero. Or the entering currents to a point are equal to the leaving currents of that point.

In other words, the sum of the currents flowing towards a point is equal to the sum of those flowing away from it. Or the algebraic sum of the currents entering a node equals the algebraic sum of the currents leaving it.

Explanation of KCL:

Suppose some conductors are meeting at a point “A” as shown in fig 1.a. In some conductors, currents are incoming to the point “A” while in other conductors, Currents are leaving or outgoing from point “A”.

Consider the incoming or entering currents as “Positive (+) towards point “A” while the leaving or outgoing currents from point “A” is “Negative (-)”.

I1 + (I2) + (I3) + (I4) + I5 = 0


I1 + I5 I2 I3 I4 = 0


I1 + I5 = I2 + I3 + I4 = 0


Incoming or Entering Currents = Leaving or Outgoing Currents


ΣI Entering = ΣI Leaving

For instance, 8A is coming towards a point and 5A plus 3A are leaving that point in fig 1.b, therefore,

8A = 5A + 3A

8A = 8A.

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
Demonstrating Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

The Kirchhoff’s second law or KVL stated that;

In any closed path (or circuit) in a network, the algebraic sum of the IR product is equal to the EMF in that path.

In other words, in any closed loop (which is also known as Mesh), the algebraic sum of the EMF applied is equal to the algebraic sum of the voltage drops in the elements. Kirchhoff’s second law is also known as Voltage Law or Mesh law.


Explanation of KVL:

A closed circuit is shown in fig which contains two connections of batteries E1 and E2. The overall sum of E.M.F’s of the batteries is indicated by E1-E2. The imaginary direction of current is also shown in the fig.

E1 drives the current in such a direction which is supposed to be positive while E2 interferes in the direction of current (i.e. it is in the opposite direction of the supposed direction of current) hence, it is taken as negative. The voltage drop in this closed circuit depends on the product of Voltage and Current.

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)

The voltage drop occurs in the supposed direction of current is known as Positive voltage drop while the other one is negative voltage drop.

In the above fig, I1R1 and I2R2 are positive voltage drops and I3R3 and I4R4 are negative V.D.

If we go around the closed circuit (or each mesh), and multiply the resistance of the conductor and the flowing current in it, then the sum of the IR is equal to the sum of the applied EMF sources connected to the circuit.

The overall equation for the above circuit is:

E1 – E2 = i1R1 + i2R2i3R3i4R4

If we go in the supposed direction of the current as shown in the fig, then the product of the IR is taken as positive otherwise negative.

Good to Know:

Direction of the Current:

It is very important to determine the direction of current whenever solving circuits via Kirchhoff’s laws. Same like the case of election current and conventional current.

The direction of current can be assumed through clockwise or anticlockwise direction. Once you select the custom direction of the current, you will have to apply and maintain the same direction for the overall circuit until the final solution of the circuit.

If we got the final value as positive it means, the supposed direction of the current was correct. In case of negative values, the current of the direction is reversed as compared to the supposed one then.

Circuit Analysis by Kirchhoff’s Laws

Solved Example on KCL and KVL (Kirchhoff’s Laws)


Resistors of R1= 10Ω, R2 = 4Ω and  R3 = 8Ω are connected up to two batteries (of negligible resistance) as shown. Find the current through each resistor.Circuit Analysis by Kirchhoff's Laws Solved Example on KCL and KVL (Kirchhoff's Laws)


Assume currents to flow in directions indicated by arrows.

Apply KCL on Junctions C and A.

Therefore, current in mesh ABC = i1

Current in Mesh CA = i2

Then current in Mesh CDA = i1i2

Now, Apply KVL on Mesh ABC, 20V are acting in clockwise direction. Equating the sum of IR products, we get;

10i1 + 4i2 = 20   …   (1)

In mesh ACD, 12 volts are acting in clockwise direction, then:

8(i1i2) 4i2 = 12

8i18i24i2 = 12

8i112i2 = 12   …   (2)

Multiplying equation (1) by 3;

30i1 + 12i2 = 60

Solving for i1

30i1 + 12i2 = 60

8i1 – 12i2 = 12

38i1 = 72

The above equation can be also simplified by Elimination or Cramer’s Rule.

i1 = 72 ÷ 38 = 1.895 Amperes = Current in 10 Ohms resistor

Substituting this value in (1), we get:

10 (1.895) + 4i2 = 20

4i2 = 20 – 18.95

i2 = 0.263 Amperes = Current in 4 Ohms Resistors.


i1 i2= 1.895 – 0.263 = 1.632 Amperes

Applications of Kirchhoff’s Laws

Good To Know:

These rules of thumbs must be taken into account while simplifying and analyzing electric circuits by Kirchhoff’s Laws:

Limitations of Kirchhoff’s laws:

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