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AWG/SWG to mm/mm2, inch/inch2 & kcmil Calculator & Conversion

AWG and SWG Size Conversion Calculator with Formula, Chart & Table

Standard Wire Gauge “SWG” Calculator

The following American Wire Gauge “AWG” and Standard Wire Gauge “SWG” calculators will calculate the wire diameter in mm, inches, wire cross sectional area in mm2, inches2 and kcmil or MCM.

To calculate the values, just select or enter the AWG/SWG size and hit the “Calculate” button to get the result of different properties of SWG/AWG cables and wires such as diameter in millimeter “mm” and inches “in”, cross-sectional area in square millimeter “mm2“, square inches “in2” and kilo Circular Mils “kcmil or MCM”.

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American Wire Gauge Conversin

Select Gauge #:  
or Enter Gauge #: AWG
Diameter in Millimeters: mm
Diameter in Inches: in
Cross Aectional Area in Aquare Millimeters: mm2
Cross sectional Area in Square Millimeters: inch2
Cross sectional Area in kilo Circular Mils: kcmil
Standard Wire Gauge Conversion

Select Gauge #:  
Selected Gauge #: SWG
Diameter in Millimeters: mm
Diameter in Inches: in
Cross Sectional Area in Square Millimeters: mm2
Cross sectional area in square millimeters: inch2
Cross Sectional Area in Square Millimeters: kcmil
Good to Know:

  • AWG or American Wire Gauge is also known as “Brown and Sharpe Wire Gauge” used in North America for wire sizing.
  • SWG or Standard Wire Gauge used for wire sizing and properties is also known as “British Standard Wire Gauge” and “British Standard Gauge” or “Imperial Wire Gauge”.

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AWG-SWG Wire Size Calculator & Conversion


AWG/SWG Wire Diameter in mm & Inch, Area in mm2, inch2 & kcmil Calculations

The following SWG/AWG wire size conversion formulas and equation can be used to easily measure the values of wires and cables.

Wire Diameter Area in “mm” Calculation

dn = 27 x 10-3 x 92(36-n)/39

Wire Diameter in “inches” Calculation

dn = 5 x 10-3 x 92(36-n)/39

Wire Cross Sectional Area in “mm2” Calculation

An 12.668 x 10-3 x 92(36-n)/19.5

Wire Cross Sectional Area in “icnhes2” Calculation

An = 19635 x 10-6 x 92(36-n)/19.5

Wire Cross Sectional Area in “kcmil” Calculation

An = 0.025 x 92(36-n)/19.5


  • n = Number of the wire gauge size in AWG/SWG. 
  • d = The wire diameter in inches, mm, inches2, & mm2 respectively.
  • An = Cross sectional area of “n” gauge wire size in inches2, “mm2” & kcmil respectively.
  • R = Resistance of the wire in Ω/kft & Ω/km respectively.
  • ρ = rho = resistivity in (Ω·m).

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AWG/SWG “mm” & “Inches” Conversion Chart & Table

The following AWG and SWG table shows the SWG/AWG wire sizes gauge numbers and diameter in millimeter and inches, its cross-sectional area in , square millimeters , square inches, and kcmil or MCM.

AWG Diameter Cross Section Area SWG Diameter Cross Section Area
mm inch mm2 Inch2 kcmil mm inch mm2 Inch2 kcmil
0000 (4/0) 11.6840 0.4600 107.2193 0.1662 211.6000 7/0 12.700 0.500 126.6769 0.1963 250
000 (3/0) 10.4049 0.4096 85.0288 0.1318 167.8064 6/0 11.786 0.464 109.0921 0.1691 215
00 (2/0) 9.2658 0.3648 67.4309 0.1045 133.0765 5/0 10.973 0.432 94.5638 0.1466 187
0 (1/0) 8.2515 0.3249 53.4751 0.0829 105.5345 4/0 10.160 0.400 81.0732 0.1257 160
1 7.3481 0.2893 42.4077 0.0657 83.6927 3/0 9.449 0.372 70.1202 0.1087 138
2 6.5437 0.2576 33.6308 0.0521 66.3713 2/0 8.839 0.348 61.3643 0.0951 121
3 5.8273 0.2294 26.6705 0.0413 52.6348 0 8.230 0.324 53.1921 0.0824 105
4 5.1894 0.2043 21.1506 0.0328 41.7413 1 7.620 0.300 45.6037 0.0707 90.0
5 4.6213 0.1819 16.7732 0.0260 33.1024 2 7.010 0.276 38.5989 0.0598 76.2
6 4.1154 0.1620 13.3018 0.0206 26.2514 3 6.401 0.252 32.1780 0.0499 63.5
7 3.6649 0.1443 10.5488 0.0164 20.8183 4 5.893 0.232 27.2730 0.0423 53.8
8 3.2636 0.1285 8.3656 0.0130 16.5097 5 5.385 0.212 22.7735 0.0353 44.9
9 2.9064 0.1144 6.6342 0.0103 13.0927 6 4.877 0.192 18.6793 0.0290 36.9
10 2.5882 0.1019 5.2612 0.0082 10.3830 7 4.470 0.176 15.6958 0.0243 31.0
11 2.3048 0.0907 4.1723 0.0065 8.2341 8 4.064 0.160 12.9717 0.0201 25.6
12 2.0525 0.0808 3.3088 0.0051 6.5299 9 3.658 0.144 10.5071 0.0163 20.7
13 1.8278 0.0720 2.6240 0.0041 5.1785 10 3.251 0.128 8.3019 0.0129 16.4
14 1.6277 0.0641 2.0809 0.0032 4.1067 11 2.946 0.116 6.8183 0.0106 13.5
15 1.4495 0.0571 1.6502 0.0026 3.2568 12 2.642 0.104 5.4805 0.0085 10.8
16 1.2908 0.0508 1.3087 0.0020 2.5827 13 2.337 0.092 4.2888 0.0066 8.46
17 1.1495 0.0453 1.0378 0.0016 2.0482 14 2.032 0.080 3.2429 0.0050 6.40
18 1.0237 0.0403 0.8230 0.0013 1.6243 16 1.626 0.072 2.0755 0.0041 5.18
19 0.9116 0.0359 0.6527 0.0010 1.2881 15 1.829 0.064 2.6268 0.0032 4.10
20 0.8118 0.0320 0.5176 0.0008 1.0215 17 1.422 0.056 1.5890 0.0025 3.14
21 0.7229 0.0285 0.4105 0.0006 0.8101 18 1.219 0.048 1.1675 0.0018 2.30
22 0.6438 0.0253 0.3255 0.0005 0.6424 19 1.016 0.040 0.8107 0.0013 1.60
23 0.5733 0.0226 0.2582 0.0004 0.5095 20 0.914 0.036 0.6567 0.0010 1.30
24 0.5106 0.0201 0.2047 0.0003 0.4040 21 0.813 0.032 0.5189 0.0008 1.02
25 0.4547 0.0179 0.1624 0.0003 0.3204 22 0.711 0.028 0.3973 0.0006 0.784
26 0.4049 0.0159 0.1288 0.00025 0.2541 23 0.610 0.024 0.2919 0.0005 0.576
27 0.3606 0.0142 0.1021 0.00020 0.2015 24 0.559 0.022 0.2452 0.0004 0.484
28 0.3211 0.0126 0.0810 0.00013 0.1598 25 0.5080 0.020 0.2027 0.0003 0.400
29 0.2859 0.0113 0.0642 0.00010 0.1267 26 0.4572 0.018 0.1642 0.00025 0.324
30 0.2546 0.0100 0.0509 0.00008 0.1005 27 0.4166 0.0164 0.1363 0.00021 0.269
31 0.2268 0.0089 0.0404 0.00006 0.0797 28 0.3759 0.0148 0.1110 0.00017 0.219
32 0.2019 0.0080 0.0320 0.00005 0.0632 29 0.3454 0.0136 0.0937 0.00014 0.185
33 0.1798 0.0071 0.0254 0.00004 0.0501 30 0.3150 0.0124 0.0779 0.00012 0.154
34 0.1601 0.0063 0.0201 0.000031 0.0398 31 0.2946 0.0116 0.0682 0.00010 0.135
35 0.1426 0.0056 0.0160 0.000025 0.0315 32 0.2743 0.0108 0.0591 0.00009 0.117
36 0.1270 0.0050 0.0127 0.000020 0.0250 33 0.2540 0.0100 0.0507 0.00008 0.100
37 0.1131 0.0045 0.0100 0.000016 0.0198 34 0.2337 0.0092 0.0429 0.00007 0.0846
38 0.1007 0.0040 0.0080 0.000012 0.0157 35 0.2134 0.0084 0.0358 0.00005 0.0706
39 0.0897 0.0035 0.0063 0.000010 0.0125 36 0.1930 0.0076 0.0293 0.00004 0.0578
40 0.0799 0.0031 0.0050 0.000008 0.0099 37 0.1727 0.0068 0.0234 0.00003 0.0462
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 0.1524 0.0060 0.0182 0.000028 0.0360
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 0.1321 0.0052 0.0137 0.000021 0.0270
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 0.1219 0.0048 0.0117 0.00001809 0.0230
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 0.1118 0.0044 0.0098 0.00001522 0.0194
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 0.1016 0.004 0.0081 0.00001257 0.0160
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 0.0914 0.0036 0.0066 0.00001017 0.0130
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 0.0813 0.0032 0.0052 0.00000805 0.0102
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 0.0711 0.0028 0.0040 0.00000615 0.00784
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 0.0610 0.0024 0.0029 0.00000453 0.00576
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 0.0508 0.0020 0.0020 0.00000314 0.00400
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 0.0406 0.0016 0.0013 0.00000201 0.00256
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 0.0305 0.0012 0.0007 0.00000113 0.00144
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 0.0254 0.0010 0.0005 0.00000078 0.00100

Here is the AWG and SWG wire size chart in image format if you need to download it for later use.

AWG-SWG mm, Inches & kcmil Conversion Chart & Table

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