AC FundamentalsBasic ConceptsElectrical FundamentalsFormulas - EquationsMCQsQuestions - Answers

Basic Concepts (MCQs With Explanatory Answers)

Basic Concepts (Electrical Fundamentals) MCQs With Explanatory Answers

1.  What is The Basic Three Electrical Quantities. 

  1. Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance
  2. Power, Voltage, Conductance
  3. Voltage, Current, Resistance(Impedance)
  4. Current , Reluctance, Inductance

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Answer:    3.    Voltage, Current, Resistance (Impedance)

Explanation: The reader may select option 1, but do not forget that there is no concept of Option 1 ( Resistance, Capacitance , inductance ) without Option 3 ( Voltage, Current, Power ) Hence The  basic Electrical Quantities are Voltage, Current and Power ( Option 3).

2.   In case of Short Circuit,_______Current will flow in the Circuit. 

  1. Zero.
  2. Very Low
  3. Normal.
  4. Infinite

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Answer:      4.    Infinite

Explanation: At the short circuited point, the voltage difference is very low (about Zero) So then put the value in → I = P/V …. so if we put V = 0, Then Current will be infinite.

 3.  Ω (Ohm) is the Unit of ___________?

  1. Resistance (R)
  2. Inductive Reactance ( XL)
  3. Capacitive Reactance (Xc)
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

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Answer:     4.   All of the above

Explanation: As we better know that Inductive and Capacitive reactances are resistances, so the unit of all these quantities should be same i.e Ohm (Ω)

4.   Siemens or Mho () is the unit of ____________?

  1. Conductance
  2. Admittance
  3. Both 1 & 2
  4. None of the above

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Answer:      3.        Both 1 & 2.

Explanation: Conductance (G) is the inverse/reciprocal of Resistance (R) and the SI unit of Conductance (G) is Siemens (S) or Mho (℧) and Admittance (Y) is the inverse/reciprocal of Impedance(Z). but we also know that impedance(Z) is resistance in AC Circuits. So both of (R) and (Z) are Resistances. Therefore the reciprocal/inverse of R and Z  = G and Y respectively. And G and Y are same. So the SI unit of these Quantities ( G and Y ) = Siemens (S) or (or Mho (℧).

5.  What quantity of charge must be delivered by a battery with a Potential Difference of 110 V to do 660J of Work?

  1. 0.6 C
  2. 6 C
  3. 60 C
  4. 600 C

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Answer:     2.    6C

Explanation:  Q = W / V = 660J / 110V = 6C

6.  The quantity of a charge that will be transferred by a current flow of 10 A over 1 hour period is_________ ?

  1. 10 C
  2. 3.6 x 104 C
  3. 2.4 x 103 C
  4. 1.6 x 102 C

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Answer:     2.        3.6 x 104 C

Explanation: Q = I x t = 10A x ( 60 x 60 Sec) = 3.6 x 104 C

 7.  If a 100Watts Bulbs ON for 10 hours, then what will be the amount of consumed Electricity? 

  1. 100Watts
  2. 100Watts per Hour
  3. 1000 Watts ( 1kW)
  4. 1kWh = 1 Unit of electricity

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Answer:     4.    1kWh = 1 Unit of Electricity.

Explanation: The Basic Unit for Consumed Electricity is kWh = one unit (also Called Board of Trade Unit =BTU). Now, 10 hours x 100 Watts = 1kWh. (1kW = 1000Watts.



  1. Anonymous says:

    why ac ratings are in tons?

    1. Anonymous says:

      its all about BTU i.e british thermal units BTU: energy required to raise the temp of room by a degree 1 ton=12000 BTU/hr

    2. Raheem kolachi says:

      because initially people use ice to decrease the temperature and ice required in tons that’s why 1 ton ac cooling power equal to 1 ton of ice cooling power

  2. misplaced answer on question 3

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Thanks 4 correction

  3. Emran UL Islam says:

    Helpful common electrical knowledge. Thanks……..


    it&#39;s very helpful for my interview.please send more questions<br />

  5. Anonymous says:

    please send us more questions thank you

  6. Assalamu alikum wasim bhai…u r doing very good job..i learn a lot from ur site..i cant do only one thing for u..that is dua..i ask allah to show his mercy always on u in both d worlds.ameen summa ameen<br />

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Thanks for the best wishes… And same to you…

  7. Muhammad Rehan says:

    please send us more questions thank you.

  8. plz send me more question?

  9. carlo reyes says:

    Thank you very much

  10. The Basic Unit for Consumed Electricity is kWh = one unit (also Called Board of Trade Unit =BTU).
    Now, 10 hours x 100 Hours = 1kWh. Watts = 1000Watts.

    how to get 100 hours???

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Thanks For correction… It was 10 Hours x 100Watss = 1000Wh = 1kW.

      1. appaso tone says:

        Give more questions

  11. amit Jadhav says:

    Plz open in answer

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Hi Amit… Just Click on “Expand Explanatory Answer”.
      le me know if you want to know more. Thanks

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