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Battery Life Calculator

Formula and Equations for Battery Life Calculator

Battery life = (Battery Capacity/ Load Current) × 0.7

Battery Life = (Ah rating of Battery / Amp) x Run Time %


  • Battery life = in Hours
  • Battery Capacity = in mAH (milli Ampere hours)
  • Load Current = Consumption of device in Amperes
  • 0.7 = Battery Cycle life considerations (Run Time)

Note: In ideal case, the battery life formula would be;

Battery life = (Battery Capacity in Ah/ Load Current)  

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Battery Life Calculator

Battery Life Calculator

Enter value, And click on calculate. Result will show the required quantity.

Enter Values:
Capacity Rating of Battery :     mAH
Consumption of device (Load Current) :     mA
Battery Life:     Hours

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One Comment

  1. Sudhir kumar says:

    Please tell me battery life calculation

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