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Simple and Basic Electronics Mini Project Ideas for Beginners

Top Basic and Simple Electronics Mini Project Ideas

Following is the updated list of 100+ top basic and very simple electronic engineering mini project list ideas with circuit diagram for engineering students, fresher and beginner and hobbyists.Simple and Basic Electronics Mini Project Ideas for Beginners

Arduino Based Projects

It is a pictorial tutorial about installing & setting the Arduino IDE(integrated development environment) & writing your program on an Arduino with some basic commands.

This mini-tutorial describes the programming of Pulse width modulation (PWM) using Arduino. It is a very important function used in multiple projects designing.

In this project, we are going to use an Arduino to switch a lamp ON through a relay at night time. We are going to use an LDR to sense the intensity of light which will be read by the Arduino.

In this project, we are going to control a number of home appliances wirelessly through a Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth is linked with the Arduino to control individual relays to switch the appliances.

In this project, we are going to measure the speed of a vehicle using an Arduino. It involves two IR sensors that sense the vehicle & the Arduino calculates the time passed between these two sensors. The speed is calculated using the time duration & the distance between the sensors.

  • Carbon Monoxide Detector:

Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector is an Arduino based project where we use a CO sensor module with the Arduino to detect & activate an alarm in your house.

  • Robot Control Using TV Remote

In this project, we are going to control a robot vehicle using a TV remote. The TV remote will transmit IR to the IR receiver which is interfaced with an Arduino to control the motors accordingly.

  • Fart Intensity Detector

It is a funny mini project using a methane sensor to detect its concentration & a mic for measuring the sound intensity. The data is processed by the Arduino to display a message corresponding to the level of intensity.  

Microcontroller Based Projects

This project enables the house owner to control the appliances using his voice. It provides security, saves time & effort of manually switching the appliance. a voice recognition module is used with a microcontroller to control the appliance wirelessly.

This is a pictorial tutorial about PIC microcontroller & how to write a program in C. This is the basic of PIC microcontroller which is very important for designing decision-based projects.

This is a tutorial for ATMega microcontroller describing its history, architecture & its I/O pins configuration with a code example for switch LED through a push-button.

  • Water Level Controller using 8051 Microcontroller:

In this project, we are going to control the level of the water inside a water tank using a microcontroller. The microcontroller should turn on the motor when the water level is low & turn off the motor when water tank is full.

In this project, we are designing a door lock mechanism that is operated by a microcontroller. The user must enter the password that will be fed to the microcontroller to make a decision. If the password is correct (matches with the one store in a microcontroller) the door will open otherwise it will remain locked.

  • Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller

A GPS chip provides coordinates of its position. In this project, we are going to show these coordinated through LCD using microcontroller.

  • Speed Control of DC Fan Using Temperature Sensor

In this project, we are going to control the speed of a DC motor with temperature. A temperature sensor will sense & provide the data to the microcontroller through ADC. The microcontroller will control the speed of motor depending on the temperature i.e. increase speed with an increase in temperature.

In this project, we will design a voltmeter using a microcontroller. The microcontroller should display the voltage on LCD that is converted by the ADC from a voltage sensing module.

  • Water Level Indicator

This project provides information about the level of water in a tank. Placing multiple probes inside the tank at various depths provide information to the microcontroller. It can be designed with any type of indication such as LEDs individually marked with the depth of the water or any other type of display to show the depth of water.

  • DC Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller

In this simple circuit, we are going to interface a DC motor with a microcontroller. It is a very important circuit and is used in various projects.

  • Interfacing 7 Segment Display to 8051

The 7 segment display is used for displaying numbers and letters. This mini-project will utilize 7 segments to display various numbers using a microcontroller.

  • Frequency Counter Circuit

In this project, we are going to use a microcontroller to measure the frequency of a square wave signal. The microcontroller will count the number of pulses for the duration of one second which is the frequency of the signal.

  • Digital Temperature Sensor

In this project, we are going to use a temperature sensor connected with microcontroller to sense & then display the temperature on the LCD.

  • Digital Tachometer using Microcontroller

A tachometer is a measurement instrument used for measuring the speed of a motor. In this project, we are going to use an IR sensor to count the revolutions of a motor for a few seconds and display the RPM of the motor through LCD.

  • Ultrasonic Rangefinder using Microcontroller

In this project, we will use an ultrasonic sensor to find the distance an object & show it on an LCD. The sensor uses a burst of ultrasonic rays that bounce back from the object. We will calculate the distance taken by the rays to travel back from the object.

  • Temperature Data Logger:

This project proposes a system that is capable of displaying the current temperature through a display & also records the temperature every minute for analyzing it later.

  • Up & Down Counter:

This is a mini project that counts up & down using a microcontroller. There are two push buttons that increment & decrement the count number which is to be displayed using a 7 segment display or LCD. 

  • Random Number Generator using Microcontroller

This is a mini fun project, where we use a microcontroller to generate any random number by pushing a button. The number is displayed through an LCD display. It can be used for fun puzzle games.

  • DC Motor Direction Control using Microcontroller:

This is a simple project used for controlling the direction of a microcontroller using an H bridge. The direction of the motor can be changed manually by a push button connected with the microcontroller.

  • Digital clock using Microcontroller

The aim of this project is to use an RTC (real-time clock) IC to provide current time to microcontroller & display it using LCD with the current date. Also, provide alarm options to sound a buzzer on a fixed time.

  • Race Lap Time measurement system

The idea is to start the timer at the moment the racer left the line & stop at the moment the racer touches the finish line. We are using an IR sensor connected with microcontroller to detect the person, as soon as he leaves the IR sensor’s reading changes & the timer start. As soon as the IR sensor senses an object, the timer stops & displays the time elapsed on the LCD display.

  • Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper

This is a mini fun project where a servo motor that resembles the wiper, start automatically when there is rain. The rain sensor is used with a microcontroller to detect the raindrop & start the servo motor.

555 Timer IC Based Projects

This project detects the rain by sounding an alarm while you are sitting inside the home. It uses a rain sensor to detect the raindrop which then triggers a 555 timer IC to sound the buzzer. It is a very cheap & efficient project.

It is a mini-project that resembles the traffic light control. This circuit control red, yellow & green color LEDs using a 555 timer through a decade counter. And off course to provide different time duration to each signal.

It is a mini fun project in which you can design a circuit that switches the appliances like light or fan ON/OFF by clapping. The clap sound is converted into a weak signal using a microphone (transducer) that is amplified to trigger the 555 timer IC.

This is a mini fun project that uses a 555 timer IC to flash an LED. The LED blinking speed depends on the biasing of the IC.

In this project, we are going to design a simple touch-sensitive switching circuit to switch an LED. This is done using two methods i.e. using 555 timer ic & BC547 transistor.

In this project, we are going to test the continuity of wires & cables by using a 555 timer IC with decade counter. This helps in testing multiple wires at the same time.

In this project, we are going to design a circuit that provides a time delay of 1, 5 or 10 minutes. This system switches an appliance ON/OFF for the said duration of time & eliminates the need for continuous supervision.

The speed of the DC motor can be controlled using various methods. In this method, we are going to control the speed using pulse width modulation using a 555 timer IC.

  • Electronic Dice

It is a fun project & the idea is to make a circuit with 6 LEDs each numbered from 1 to 6. When someone presses the button, a 555 timer circuit activates & triggers the decade counter with a high-frequency clock. As soon as the push-button is released, the clock stops & the LED number is revealed.

  • Remote Operated Alarm Circuit

This is a wireless remote-operated alarm system that is triggered to notify somebody for their help. It uses an IR sensor to detect & pass the signal to a 555 timer to trigger the buzzer or light etc.

  • Panic Alarm using 555 Timer IC

The idea is to call for help during emergency or panic & it is should be done by just pressing a button. This project uses a 555 timer IC, which is triggered by a push-button to activate the buzzer.

  • Morse code Generator Circuit

Morse code generator works by generating a tone of two different durations, the short called dot & the long called dash by pushing a button. This project uses a pushbutton to trigger the speaker using a 555 timer IC.

  • LED Running Lights Circuit

This is a mini fun project where the LEDs are illuminated in a running sequence. It is a 555 timer IC with a decade counter that activates each LED with each clock cycle (count). The speed of the LED switching depends on the clock cycle provided by the 555 Timer.

  • IR Remote Control Switch

This circuit uses an IR sensor with a 555 Timer IC to switch on the load through a relay. The load can be any appliances.

  • 555 Timer IC Testing Circuit

This is a mini project where you can test any 555 timer IC because they are used in almost every project. You need to use the correct biasing resistors & caps for astable configuration with calculated frequency i.e. 1Hz. You can check the clock pulse by an LED.

  • Melody Generator using UM66 IC

UM66 is a melody generating IC which can be used in any toy projects, alarm, etc. It uses a 555 timer IC to trigger the UM66 IC once the button is pressed. the generated signal is amplified and passed to the loudspeaker.

  • Bike Turning Signal Circuit

The idea is to use two LEDs that represent the left turn & right turn & activate them using a single switch. It is made by using an SPDT (single pole double throw) switch with the center-off position. It will switch between the LEDs that are powered by a 555 Timer IC.

  • Knock Alarm

The idea behind this project is to sounds the alarm when someone knocks on the door. It proposes a piezoelectric sensor to sense the knock & send the signal to 555 Timer after amplification. The 555 timer triggers the buzzer to alert the person inside.

  • Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load

In this project, we are proposing the idea to provide a time delay before switching on the supply to the appliance connected. It uses a 555 timer to provide delay which can be modified through biasing resistors.

  • Fire Alarm using 555 Timer IC Mini Project

In this fire alarm circuit, we are using a thermistor to sense the temperature. The variation in resistance will cause the 555 to switch on the buzzer thus alarming the resident during any fire hazards.

  • Smart Portable Cell Phone Jammer Project

The idea behind this project is to make a small phone jammer that blocks the signal in a specific range. To jam a signal you have to transmit a more powerful signal of frequency in that range with high noise to decrease the SNR. This is done using a 555 timer IC with an oscillator & a transmitter to amplify the signal to transmit through an antenna.

Top Basic Mini Projects for Beginners

It is a very simple project design to indicate the water level & also sounding alarm once the water tank is completely full. This device is capable of eliminating the manual method of checking water levels of the tanks at a regular time interval.

In this project, we are going to show you how to design & make a PCB using an LED flasher circuit as an example. It is a self-explanatory pictorial guide for PCB designing used in projects.

This is a fun project made from plastic & a 12V DC fan. It is a mini air cooler that provides cooling.

It is a simple mini project where an LED (That resembles a street light) is controlled using an LDR. When there is no light at the LDR, the LED is switched on through a transistor.

This is a simple homemade model of a hydroelectric power station using toy car motor as a generator to run a dc fan.

This is a homemade mini-project comprising of a DC fan that is powered through a USB port.

This project is a simple LED lamp operated from the AC main.

This is a fun project that contains blinking/dancing and flashing LED String / Strip. it is very simple and made from the basic components. This LED strip/string circuit (dancing/blinking LED circuit) can be used for Christmas. 

It is a simple DC motor model made from a permanent magnet & a coil. It is a fun project & you can easily make it at a home.

It is a simple generator model made from a DC motor. The prime mover used for this generator is a DC motor. You can light up an LED from it when it runs.

It is a simple DC motor made from a permanent magnet with a coil that rotates when there is a current flowing through it. We will show you a video demonstration of the said motor.

This is a simple model of a generator/alternator that helps in understanding the basic principles on which it works. This is a perfect mini project for beginners.

This is the model of a very simple generator to understand the working principle of it. A clear tutorial with pictures is provided for better understanding.

This is a generator model made from a DC motor where the turbine used in made from a CD (Compact Disc). It is a fun project for beginners in engineering.

This is a tutorial about a powerful & cheap emergency LED light. The components necessary for this project with ratings etc. are mentioned in this project.

This is a simple fun project to demonstrate magnetic levitation. This project uses multiple magnets designed in a way to balance the repulsion between them in order to levitate.

This is a tutorial about LabVIEW & how to design basic projects using this tool. In this article, you will get to know about the basics of this tool using picture for easy understanding.

This is a tutorial for understanding Raspberry Pi & how to use it to design interesting projects. This tutorial covers the design, ports & the basic function of a Raspberry pi.

This project provides the automation of home using motion detection to turn on appliances or sound alarm using the PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. The sensor detects the object that passes in front of it & passes the signal to the relay to switch the appliance.

This is an Emergency light circuit that is switched ON when the main power cuts off & switches off when the main power restores & also starts to charge the battery inside.

It is a mini project based on LDR to detect the light. It is a security control project & it sounds an alarm once any object passes by it.

  • Car Parking Guard Circuit Using Infrared Sensor

This project enables the driver to sense any object near the vehicle when driving in reverse or parking. The IR sensor senses the object & notifies the driver by flashing warning such as LED or buzzer.

  • Metal Detector Circuit:

This project is a handheld metal detector used by security personnel that sound buzzer when it detects a metal near it. It uses a an LC circuit whose signal varies when there is a metal beside it. The variation in signal is sensed by the proximity sensor IC which activates the buzzer.

A thermistor is a temperature sensing component whose resistance varies inversely with the temperature. This project will utilize this property of the thermistor to connect it with a buzzer that will turn on when the temperature rises above a certain level.

  • Simple 100W Inverter

In this project, we are going to convert the 12v DC into 220v AC. The inversion is done using an astable multivibrator chip that switches two MOSFET to switch the 12v polarity. This alternating 12v is converted into 220v using a step-up transformer.

This is a simple project that shows the battery status of charge. It measures the voltage which is compared with predefined values to turn on the LEDs corresponding to the level of charge.

  • USB Powered LED Lamp

It is a simple mini project made of multiple LEDs in parallel & is connected to a USB port. It is powered by any USB port such as a laptop or computer, a mobile charger etc. It is fun project to illuminate your work desk at home.

  • Wireless Switch Circuit using LDR

In this project, we are going to switch any appliances using an LDR (light dependent resistor). The LDR will be able to trigger the T flip-flop to toggle its state whenever someone covers it. The flip-flip will switch the relay where the load is connected.

SR flip flop is a memory unit, it stores a single bit of data. In this project, we are going to make an SR Flip Flop using discrete NAND & NOR gates. It is a mini-project.

  • Fire Alarm Circuits

This is a simple circuit made from a thermistor whose resistance changes with the temperature. The increase in temperature decreases the resistance of thermistor which will switch on a Buzzer connected with a transistor.

  • PIR Sensor Based Security Alarm

PIR is a passive infrared sensor that sensing the IR rays reflecting from an object. We are going to use it in this project to sound the alarm when it detects any movement.

  • Multiplexer and Demultiplexer using Logic Gates

Multiplexer or MUX that operates as a digital selector switch to selects only out of many input lines. While Demultiplexer switches single input into multiple output lines. it can be made from individual gates such as AND gates, OR Gate & NOT Gate.

In this project, we are going to make a switch that is activated by light to turn on or OFF electrical appliances. We are going to use an LDR (Light-dependent resistor) whose resistance varies with light to switch a transistor.

  • Digital Voltmeter Circuit using ICL7107

The ICL7107 is an ADC that does not require any display drivers. All you need is to connect the LED display to its corresponding output.

  • Basic Logic Gates Using NAND or NOR Gate

NAND & NOR Gate is a universal gate. So you can make a mini project for understanding how the NAND gate can be used to implement each basic logic gate.

  • Automatic Plant Irrigation System:

This is a mini project design for a plant irrigation system that works on the principle of resistance of the soil. Dry soil has high while wet soil has low resistance. The water pump is controlled through a relay to irrigate the plant when the soil is dry.

  • Digital Object Counter using LDR

It is a simple counter using the principle when an object is passed between an LDR facing an LED, the light will be blocked and the counter will count will increase which will be displayed on a 7 segment display.

  • Electronic Watchdog Timer

This project notifies the house owner by sounding an alarm when somebody enters the door. It uses IR sensors placed on the opposite pillars of the door. When somebody passes in front of it, the sensor is blocked & the circuit triggers the alarm.

  • Fastest Finger First Indicator

It is the device used in the quiz program on tv shows where more the 1 contestant press the button to answer first. It uses latches to lock the first entry & disabling the latches at the same time to not register the next entry. The output of the latch is then used to display the corresponding number or the LED on the corresponding contestant side.

  • Digital Volt Meter using ADC

In this project, we are using an ADC with a built-in 7 segment driver to convert the voltage levels into binary values & display it on a 7 segment display. The range of the voltmeter can be modified by using resistors as voltage divider at the input.

  • 7 Segment LED Display Decoder

This circuit is a decoder made from basic logic gate using combinational logic. It can convert a 4-bit binary input into 7 outputs each corresponding to an individual LED in the 7-segment display. It is a simple project & can be used for educational purposes for the beginners.

  • Auto Turn Off Soldering Iron Circuit

This circuit is used for switching the solder off when the temperature gets too high to prevent any damage. It uses a thermistor that has negative temperature coefficient to sense the high temperature & switch off the solder through a relay.

  • Digital Compass

The aim of this project is to show the direction you are facing through the LEDs in the circuit. A Hall Effect sensor 1490 is a sensor that senses the earth’s magnetic field & it can be used to activate the LED according to the sensor’s output.

  • Melody Door Bell

The UM66 IC is a melody generating IC & the melody can be played through a loudspeaker if you amplify its signal using a transistor.

  • Digital Alarm Clock

This project uses an alarm clock IC with built-in drivers for the LED display. The IC has a built-in function for setting current time, alarm & snooze. The alarm output is connected with a loudspeaker after amplification.

  • FET Audio Mixer

The audio mixer is a circuit that mixes the audio signal from multiple channels into one channel. FET can support high frequency thus it can be used to make a mini audio mixer with multiple input channels.

  • ± 5V Supply From 9V Battery

In order to get a plus & minus 5 volts from a 9 volts battery, you need to use a 5-volt voltage regulator IC & a voltage converter. The voltage regulator IC will regulate the voltage to + 5v which will be converted by the voltage converter IC into -5v at the output.

  • Solar Battery Charger

This project proposes the idea of using the solar panel to charge a battery or cellphone using a variable voltage regulator IC whose voltage changes with a potentiometer. There should also be a reverse current protection diode.

  • Short Circuit Indicator Project

This circuit can detect a short circuit in a DC load & trip the power supply to the load. As soon as the load terminals are shorted, the buzzer or LED switches on through the transistor to notify the person.

  • Mini Audio Amplifier Project

This is a mini amplifier using low voltage audio amplifier lm386 to amplify the amplitude of the signal & feed it to the speaker connected at the output.

We will update the list time to time with new project ideas. Let us know in the comment box below if you want to add your awn final year engineering project in the above electronic project list.

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  1. chandrasekhararao Thaty says:

    Wireless AC Power Detector Project

    This circuit can detect AC current flow in a wire. The idea is to use a decade counter whose clock is connected to an antenna (a coil) & use a single output of the counter to power a buzzer through a transistor. Another idea is to use a Darlington pair transistor with an antenna to amplify the signal & power the buzzer.

  2. VFS Marine says:

    Thank you for innovative project ideas.

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