Formulas - EquationsMotors

Motor H.P, input Voltages, Full load Current, Breaker Size, And Copper Wire Size Formulas (Single Phase & 3-Phase Motors)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    what is difference between the kiolowatt(megawatt) and horse power(hp) of motor???

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      both are same.. also, 1hp = 746Watts.

  2. Above 7.5HP motors may up-to 400Hp What would be the cable size(in sqmm), full load current and CB, pls give the easiest calculation..

    1. Above 7.5HP motors may up-to 400Hp What would be the cable size(in sqmm), full load current and CB, pls give the easiest calculation..

  3. Junaid Khan says:

    In the 3-phase motor the supplied voltage will be 400V or 230V?

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Wait to update the full chart…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Where could we find this information in the codebook for ourselves?

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