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Ohm’s Law Calculator – P, I, V, R Calculator

Ohm’s Law Calculator – Power, Current, Voltage & Resistance Calculator

Below are the four Electrical calculators based on Ohm’s Law with Electrical Formulas and Equations of Power, Current, Voltage and Resistance in AC and DC Single phase & Three Phase circuit.

Enter the known values and select a conversion from the buttons below and click on Calculate. result will display the desire values which you want to calculate.

Power Calculator

Calculate Power (W) in Watts using Ohm’s Law:
Enter any two values of: V, I, and R
V: I: R:
Watts (W):      

Electrical Power Formulas

Electrical Power formulas in DC Circuits

  • P = VxI
  • P = I2R
  • P = V2/R

Electrical Power formulas in Single Phase AC Circuits

  • P = VxI Cosθ
  • P = I2 x R Cosθ
  • P = (V2/R) Cosθ

Electrical Power formulas in Three Phase AC Circuits

  • P =√3 x VLxIL Cosθ
  • P =3 x VPxIP Cosθ
  • P =3 I2 x R Cosθ
  • P =3 (V2/R) x R Cosθ


  • I = Current in Amperes (A)
  • V = Voltage in Volts (V)
  • P = Power in Watts (W)
  • R = Resistance in Ohm (Ω)

Related Post: Power, Voltage, Current and Resistance Calculator

Current Calculator

Calculate Current (I) in Amperes using Ohm’s Law:
Enter any two values of: V, W, and R
V: W: R:
Amperes (A):      

Electrical Current Formulas

Electrical Current Formulas in DC Circuit

  • I=V/R
  • I = P/V
  • I = √P/R

Electrical Current Formulas in Single Phase AC Circuit

  • I = P / (V x Cosθ)
  • I = (V/Z)…Where Z = impedance = Resistance of AC Circuits

Electrical Current Formulas in Three Phase AC Circuit

I = P / √3xVxCosθ


  • I = Current in Amperes (A)
  • V = Voltage in Volts (V)
  • P = Power in Watts (W)
  • R = Resistance in Ohm (Ω)

Related Calculator: RMS Voltage Calculator – From Average Value, Peak & Peak to Peak Value

Voltage Calculator

Calculate Voltage (V) in Volts using Ohm’s Law:
Enter any two values of: W, I, and R
W: I: R:
Volts (V):      

Voltage or Electrical Potential Formulas

Electrical Potential or Voltage Formula in DC Circuits

  • V = I x R
  • V = P / I
  • V = √ (P x R)

Voltage or Electrical Potential Formulas in Single Phase AC Circuits

  • V = P/(IxCosθ)
  • V = I / Z… Where Z = impedance = Resistance of AC Circuits


  • I = Current in Amperes (A)
  • V = Voltage in Volts (V)
  • P = Power in Watts(W)
  • P = Power in Watts(W)
  • R = Resistance in Ohm (Ω)

Related Calculator: Standard Resistor Closest Value Calculator

Resistance Calculator

Calculate Resistance (R) in Ohms (Ω) using Ohm’s Law:
Enter any two values of: V, I, and W
V: I: W:
R (Ohms = Ω):      

Electrical Resistance Formulas

  • R = V/I
  • R = P/I2
  • R = V2/P


  • I = Current in Amperes (A)
  • V = Voltage in Volts (V)
  • P = Power in Watts (W)
  • R = Resistance in Ohm (Ω)

Ohm's Law Calculator - P, I, V, R Calculator with Formulas & Equations
Related Electrical Engineering Calculators


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