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Peak Voltage and Peak to Peak Voltage Calculator

Peak Voltage (VP) and Peak-to-Peak Voltage (VP-P) Calculator

Peak Voltage Calculator

This calculator can be used to calculate the Peak Voltage or Max Voltage value (VPK or VMAX) of a sine wave from different related values such as RMS Voltage Value (VRMS), average value (VAV), and peak to peak value (VP-P).

Peak Voltage (VP) Volts

Equations and formulas for Peak Voltage Calculator are as follow:

VP = √2 x VRMS = 1.414 VRMS

VP = VP-P/2 = 0.5 VP-P

VPπ/2 x VAV = 1.571 x VAV

RMS Voltage Calculator - Average Value, Peak & Peak-Peak Value

Peak to Peak Voltage Calculator

This calculator can be used to calculate thePeak to Peak value (VP-P) of a sine wave from different related values such as average value (VAV), RMS Voltage Value (VRMS) and peak or max value (VP or VMAX).

Peak-to-Peak Voltage (VP-P) Volts

Equations and formulas for Peak to Peak Voltage Calculator are as follow:

VP-P =  2√2 x VRMS = 2.828 x VRMS

VP-P =2 x VP

VP-Pπ  x VAV = 3.141 x VAV

How to Calculate the Peak Voltage and Peak to Peak Voltage?

Suppose the average Voltage value is 140 VAC, by the below equation, the value of Peak Voltage will be:

VP=π/2 x VAV = 1.571 x VAV

VP = 1.571 x  140V = 219 V

and the Peak-to-Peak voltage value would be:

VP-P =  π  x VAV = 3.141 x VAV

VP-P = 3.141 x 140 = 439.74 V

To know more about VP (Peak Voltage), VP-P (Peak to Peak Voltage), VRMS (Root Mean Square or RMS Voltage), VAVG (Average Value) and more related terms, follow the article about: RMS Value, Average Value, Peak Value, Peak Factor And Form Factor in AC Circuits



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