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Clap Switch Circuit Using IC 555 Timer & Without Timer

Clap Switch Circuit Electronic Project Using 555 Timer & BC-547 Transistors

Introduction to Clap Switch Circuit

Clap Switch is a basic electronics mini-project, made with the help of the basic components. Clap Switch has the ability to turn ON/OFF any electrical component or circuit by the clap sound. We will use two basic clap switch circuit diagrams i.e. (With IC 555 Timers and without 555 Timer).

It is known as Clap Switch because the condenser mic which will be used in this project will have an ability to take the sound having the same pitch as the clap sound as the input. Although it doesn’t mean that the sound will have to be exact the clap sound, it can be any sound having the same high pitch as clapping sound. We can also say that it converts the sound energy into the electrical energy because we are giving an input to the circuit as a sound whereas the circuit gives us the output as an LED light when glows (electrical energy). In more simple words, the circuit is able to convert the sound energy to activate the circuit and led provide electrical energy as an output in the form of heat and light.

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Required Components

As already mentioned, this project is basic electronics mini-project, so this project is made of the basic electronic components.

Following is the list of the components required to make the Clap Switch.

  1. 1k, 4.7k, 47k, 330 and 470 ohms resistors
  2. 10µF and 2 100nF capacitors
  3. Electric condenser Mic
  4. Two BC547 transistors
  5. LED
  6. 555 Timer
  7. 9V battery

Working Principle of Clap Switch Circuit

This circuit (As shown below) is made with the help of Sound activated sensor, which senses the sound of Clap as input and processes it to the circuit in order to give the Output. When sound is given as the input to the Electric Condenser Mic, it is changed into the Electrical Energy as the LED turns on. LED turns ON, as we give sound input and it turns OFF automatically after a few seconds. Turn-On LED timer can be changed by varying the value of 100mF capacitor as it is connected with 555 timer whose main purpose is to generate the pulse.

Although the name of the circuit is the Clap Switch, you are not restricted to give input as the Clap only. It can be any sound, having the same pitch as of Clap so this can also be called as “Sound Operated Switch”. This circuit is mainly based on transistors because the negative terminal of Mic is directly connected with the transistor. In this circuit, we haven’t used any Electronic Switch to turn on/off the circuit, so when you are connecting the battery with the circuit, it means your circuit is now turned ON and it will take the inputs in the form of Sound Energy. You can modify this circuit by using Relay as Electronic Switch to turn the circuit ON or OFF.

As soon as we give the sound input to the circuit, it amplifies the sound signals and proceeds them to the 555 timer which generates the pulse to the LED, making it turn ON. You are to make sure, that the negative side of the Condenser mic is connected with the amplifier or the circuit will heat-up and may not work with different models of transistors etc. You cannot increase the sensitivity of the Condenser mic for long usage, it has a short range by default. It is also applicable to the LAMP and fans and other electrical appliances, so this circuit has many opportunities for modification.

Clap Switch Circuit Diagram using IC 555 Timer.
Clap Switch Circuit Diagram using IC 555 Timer.

Clap Switch Schematic Circuit without 555 Timer

To make the same circuit as mentioned above without IC 555 Timer, We will have to use the following basic electronic components and devices.

S. No Component Name Code Value S. No Component Name Code Value
1 Resistor R1, R9, R12 2.2kΩ 10 Capacitor C2 1µF /50V
2 = R2 = 470kΩ 11 = C4 47µF /16V
3 = R3 = 47Ω 12 Diode D1, D2 IN4148
4 = R4, R6 = 4.7kΩ 13 LED D3 Red
5 = R5, R8, R10, R11, R13 10kΩ 14 Transistors Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 9013
6 = R7 470Ω 15 Microphone MK1 9767
7 = R14 1K 16 Cable Terminal J1 2.45 2P (Horizontal)
8 Capacitor C1, C5, C6 (Ceramic) 104 (0.1μF) 17 Power Wire 1 2.45 2P (Single)
9 = C3 (Ceramic) 103 (0.01μF) 18 PCB 1 FR-4 28*49

Related Post: Automatic Street Light Control System.(Sensor using LDR & Transistor BC 547.)

How Clap Switch Circuit Works without 555 Timer?

This circuit operates based on bi-stable trigger and audio frequency signal.

Audio signal accepted by MK1 goes to the base of transistor Q1 through capacitor C1. When amplified, it goes to the base of transistor Q2 through collector of transistor Q1. The bi-stable circuit trigger when they get a negative square wave from collector of transistor Q2.

Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 restrict the circuit frequency to high sensitivity range of 3kHz. When the power supply is ON, transistor Q3 saturated and Q4 is cutoff, so the diode D3 is OFF. When the MK1 microphone gets a control signal (clap or any other similar sound), The amplified negative square wave and negative pulse enters to the base of transistor Q3 through diode D1 after differentiation process. So the power turn ON and D3 LED diode glows.

The power turn OFF again when a control signal enters to MK1 microphone which leads the LED diode D3 switch off. To use other external control devices and equipment, J1 (Cable terminal can be used for this purpose). J1 and relay can be connected to control other appliances by clap or sound control system. Keep in mind that a reverse diode should be connected at the end of the relay to perform this operation.

Note: The operated voltage for clap switch circuit without timer is 5V DC while 6mA current is needed to glow the LED light (When current is less than 3mA, LED won’t glow).

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Click schematic diagram to enlarge

Clap Switch Circuit without 555 Timer
Clap Switch Circuit without 555 Timer

Advantages & Disadvantages of Clap Switch Circuit

  1. It can be used to turn ON and OFF the LED or LAMP simply, by clapping your hands.
  2. We can also remove LEDs and place a FAN or any other electric component on the output in order to get the desired result.
  3. The Condenser Mic used in this circuit has the short range as a default, which cannot be varied.

Applications of Clap Switch Circuit

Clap Switch is not restricted to turn the LEDs ON and OFF, but it can be used in any electric appliances such as Tube Light, Fan, Radio or any other basic circuit which you want to turn ON by a Sound.

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  1. Jorge Oswaldo Barrera Ciro says:


  2. Sreekanth T says:

    Very useful sharing

  3. Sreekanth T says:

    certainly very useful and easy to attempt ckt.

  4. swaranram says:

    hi sir i am intersted in daigram of electronics

  5. how can we run other devices such as radios etc in such a simple device?

    1. bijay pandeya says:


  6. please send me clamp circut and digrame
    on my email if readymade is avilable please send me how many your rait of your circuit

  7. “Turn-On LED timer can be changed by varying the value of 100mF capacitor as it is connected with 555 timer” does this mean I can change the time by lowering the value of capacitor? high? please answer . thanks

  8. Ashutosh Agrawal says:

    bulb is not permanently on/off why

  9. hi good day . I need help for this circuit . what is the purpose of the capacitor connected bet. collector pin and trigger .

  10. witch transistors can i use instead of BC547? PLEASE REPLAY

    1. bijay pandeya says:

      BC 548 OR 2N3904

  11. ihie david says:

    How can i defend my project base on this topic

  12. James Greally says:

    I have been trying to build the clap switch circuit using the 555 timer chip but I don’t have any BC547 transistors. I have tried using 2N3904, C1815 and BC108 all with no success. I can’t figure out what is the problem. Can anyone help? I would be most grateful.
    Kind regards,

    1. bijay pandeya says:


    2. Fardin khan says:

      Where are u from bro.

  13. Nishit Patel says:

    Can we connect the switch directly to AC current

    1. bijay pandeya says: should connect transformer or adaptor or other similar

  14. kyaw zay yar lin says:

    Permanently on/off, how can I modify?

  15. Its seems good, but I want to remove LED with an energy saving lamp of 24 watt, can I do this. Also tell me what is the voltage at output pin of NE555. And what will be the max output current.
    Thumbs up for you… (y)

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Output is accordance to LED voltage… By the way, You can connect Relay instead of 555 Timer

  16. Raheem Sodiq says:

    how can i make the ON permanently after a single clap and OFF

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Yes Sure…

      1. My ckt didn’t work perfectly …… L.E.D is On on clap but not Off by clap… How can i fix this plz help

  17. christian says:

    sir/mam .. if i will put a 5 pin relay switch in the circuit where should i put it and what will be the effect of it ? please anwser me anybody …

  18. .. elow … i need help .. if i will put a 5 pin relay switch in the circuit .. where i should put it and what will be the effect of it …. plss i need some advice …

  19. can i replace the LEd with a low V amplifier ??

  20. its interesting….to design …my first project

  21. SOUMITRA SETH says:

    Many Many Thank`s

    Thank You With Regards.


  22. ali morgan says:

    I need this cirite but i tried it for 5 times on my bread board and bought its commbounts for 5 times!!
    And its not working olease help me please

  23. bro i tried many times but everytime led is on and clap is not working :(

    1. Aravind Vennu says:

      Same Here. Need Help.

  24. Shehar Yar Khan says:

    I implemented this circuit on a breadboard. When I clap near the microphone, the L.E.D turns on for nearly 6 seconds and then, turns off automatically. I want to make it work like a real clap switch. For example: the L.E.D turns on the clap and turns off on a clap. Please can help me in figuring this one out.

  25. SAMUEL AWANY says:

    What an interesting project where i can connect and work out.
    NB,. Am doing a project on a clap switch please send for me more of the literature review about this field.

  26. hlw sir plz explain the ic points??i means 1,2,3,4,5,6…it will b easy for jointing the other compunents with IC..

  27. please admin can you for another circuit diagrame that support both on and off signals

  28. rambabu pandit says:

    how work the clapp switch

  29. Hi, I’ve done everything as per the design but its not working. I’ve doubt on mic. Is there any way to check whether mic is working or not?

  30. dude…..for those capasitors…..what volt it is?

  31. deepak gowda says:

    our circuit is direct on.pls give me sollution

  32. Christian Alamil says:

    hi mam/sir, my project has already worked, but when I accidentally short it with its aluminum casing, it didn’t worked now, the led just on when you put the 9v supply, I replace the mic and it’s two transistors but also it didn’t work out…. Pls help me!!!…. tnx

  33. Orono Stephen says:

    Thanks Engineer for the project, am more interested in the project and i would like to request you to send me the literature review of the project in my email.

  34. Should I use electret condenser mic???????????

  35. How much volt of 10uf capacitor plz reply fast

  36. syed afrid.g says:

    can i use 100 nf instead of 100 uf.,…………?

  37. vikas kumar says:

    how much of frequency and amplitude genrated while clapping our hands

  38. Sir please please please help me.
    Why my circuit isnt working.?? When i finish set up my circuit then i put the battery. The baattery light up without clapping. Its like i connect the battery directly to the LED… its hav been 2 months im working for this Final Year Project. Pleaseees. Im stress out


  39. it is working great thank you!!!!!!!
    kindly send the pcb layout of this we will be thankful.


    hey mens i need support i want use to us this circuit to control AC lamp what can i do


    HOW CAN I use this circuit to cantor ac lamps


    Hy mens in the working principle is that 100mF or 100Nf


    hy my circuit isent running help me

  44. jayasankar jp says:

    sir the value off capacitor(10nf) in the list is not same as in circuit diagram

    1. Electrical Technology says:

      Check it again, We have it in the circuit diagram…

  45. Led is always on…no Change…what to do

  46. ankush naik says:

    Nob no de na bhai please kam h mera same project h

  47. Frank Uwandi says:

    reI want to believe that other electrical appliances you can apply this to has to be DC appliances since the voltage source is 9volts else you will to apply AC signal and do rectification

  48. which microphone did you use for the circuit?

  49. Abdul Samad says:

    Is there any video available of this project.. it will help us.

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